your business

Navigate the digital landscape and drive strategic decisions with data—driven insights.

What we believe in

“At ROBIT we believe in the power of global insights and local precision. Our business intelligence platform empowers you to 'think global and operate hyper-local,' ensuring informed decisions that drive success in the dynamic digital landscape”

“At ROBIT we believe in the power of global insights and local precision. Our business intelligence platform empowers you to 'think global and operate hyper-local,' ensuring informed decisions that drive success in the dynamic digital landscape”

Play to find out how it works

ROBIT Availability

Source: Delivery Apps

Audit your stores availability in the delivery apps every 20 minutes and estimate losses due to locations that are underperforming by being closed when they should be open.

Easily identify stock breach and enable quick turnarounds.

ROBIT Pricing

Source: Delivery Apps, websites and/or physical stores

Compare your and your competitor’s prices in real time.

Understand the price gaps between delivery price and offline retail.

Set up alarms when promotions or new products are launched.

ROBIT Feedback

Source: Google Reviews

Check live your CSat Know your brand promotors and detractors and their emotions..

Set up alerts based on keywords and create automated smart responses.

Discover market opportunities with competitive analysis.

¿ Por qué elegir ROBIT?

Real time
Monitor all branches of your business in real-time. Track metrics every 20 minutes.

You'll see real information, without filters or prior treatments. This way, you'll know the status of your locations and what actions to plan.

The alert setting allows you to closely monitor all relevant variables for the growth of your business effortlessly.

Keep a close eye on your competitors' strategies to avoid being left out of the market.

"What do our customers say?

"Implementing ROBIT was a very satisfying experience.
Not only did we work with a great team and great people,
but they also provided us with a tool that provides very valuable information.
It allows us to monitor the availability of our stores and work to improve it;
this improvement has had a direct impact on the volume of sales we generate."


GabyCastro Design

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